Monday, September 10, 2012

Are You a Morning Person, Or a Nocturnal One?

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Are you a morning person, or a nocturnal one?

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How is Are You a Morning Person, Or a Nocturnal One?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Anesthesia Schools.

To find that out, portion your temperature every day, at the same hour (7 o'clock), for a week. Knowing that you are meant to wake up early or later, you will understand why you find difficult the general daily rhythm. By knowing your general rhythm every hour, and by respecting the proportions, you find out when you may work with maximum efficiency, when you may sleep the best, when to relax, when to exercise, when to have fun.

If your body temperature at 7 o'clock is in the middle of 36.8 and 37.2 Celsius degrees, you may consider yourself a morning person. If your body temperature is in the middle of 36.5 and 36.7, you are a nocturnal person.

For an easy morning start

Between 05.00 and 07.00

You're sleeping. Your body is preparing itself to awake. Now, your body temperature is gradually rising. The suprarenal glands furnish cortisol, the hormone responsible for stress and awareness, and send it throughout the body, to conclude it to awake. If after a week you wake up at 05.00 and can't fall back asleep, don't hesitate, see a doctor. You're in for a depression.

Between 07.00 and 08.00

The cortisol output hits the maximum level and the adrenaline level is rising, accelerates the heart rate and the arterial pressure. It's the occasion when you open the eyes. You're rested and a little sleepy. This is a exquisite occasion for some eroticism, especially since the male hormones are precisely boiling! But the waking occasion can be difficult too. What's best for every person is a great meal: a high carbohydrates, lipids, tea, coffee, fresh fruit juice, fruit, whole cereals, cheese, yoghurt and eggs and ham.

Between 08.00 and 10.00

It's done, you've started! Take it easy, the day has just begun. You took the children to school, you got to work, you've drank someone else coffee with the colleagues. The truth is these first social contacts are precisely truly stimulating the cortex, the part of the brain that is responsible for analyzing things. Still, it's not yet the time for adventure; leave the meetings for later, the warm up period is not over yet. Take it easy...

Round 10.00

The body has assimilated the breakfast, the body temperature is normal; you're ready to charge the daily problems, to do your job. Especially because it won't last for long! Now, your short term learning abilities hit the upper limit. What you learn now will last until dinner, maybe, but certainly not until the next day. For remembering the things you learn you have to pick lunch time or dinner, or even later, before going to bed.

Round 11.00

You have a week moment, which is totally natural. Your vigor level is dropping. Just like sleeping, the vigor keep has a 90 minutes cycle. Every 90 minutes, our minds have a break, which is why we have to take 5-10 minutes of break too. Drink a glass of water, rehearsal a little, for your back. Studies have shown that after this, the vigor is restored and people may do their work best and more efficient.

Lunch, mandatory break

Between 12.30 and 14.00

Although the breakfast is long gone, the insulin output is peaking for preparing digestion for the lunch. Suddenly, you feel hungry and it's even recommended to eat something. Something light, that is. Light meat, fish, with vegetables or carbohydrates, to rebuild your mineral and water supplies. Don't think of exercising now, it's against nature, and it will precisely certify a bad afternoon. Relax in an armchair or even sleep for 15 minutes.

Between 14.00 and 15.00

It's time to gradually resume your work. Now, your mental and working abilities are far from being high, and the cortisol percent is low. conclude small issues, put order in your things, at the worse case, pay a visit to the dentist: an anesthesia at this time will sure hold!

Afternoon, maximum energy

Between 15.00 and 18.00

This time, together with the increase of the blood and of the attention hormones level is maxing, the temperature gets exquisite and you enter in a stage of maximum efficiency. It's the exquisite occasion to work intensely and efficient, but without forgetting to pause every 90 minutes. Now you are in your top shape. in the middle of 17.00 and 19.00, the serotonin level (the happiness hormone) is at its highest, a guess to be with your partner.

Evening, maximum force

Between 19.00 and 21.00

After 18.00, the body temperature starts decreasing, for preparing the body for sleep. It's also the time for dinner. Ideally, after a meal poor in fats, but rich in carbohydrates, to avoid hunger later on, you go for a walk of 15-30 minutes and only after that sit in front of the tv.

Between 22.00 and 23.30

You already yawn and you're a little chilly. The blood pressure is low, so did the body temperature, and the melatonin level (the sleep hormone) rises until midnight, when it peaks. But the melatonin output is fluctuating, and its quantity may be reduced by some drugs, alcohol, smoking, coffee, age. The morning persons are also the ones that hit the bed first. While the night, the bronchial volume is reduced until dawn; so, if it's the case, take your medicines now. Now it's also a good time for a last tender occasion with your partner, because when you make love, you release in the body endorphins (the well being hormone). The sleep will be sweeter too...

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